Monday, October 20, 2008

A few post-road-trip thoughts:

Driving across Pennsylvania yesterday, I kept seeing these billboards. The logic is a little shaky--it's like saying, "Without bullets, guns wouldn't be able to hit anything"! True enough, but it sidesteps the point of whether you think guns are good, bad, or some mixture of the two. It turns out the billboards are funded by F.O.R.C.E.--what seems to be an "astroturf" coal industry group masquerading as "Families Organized to Represent the Coal Economy." Fossil fuels fight back, although not without those who are questioning and opposing the organization.

My e-bike battery is charged and I'm planning to take my first road trip on the bike tomorrow.

My fuel economy on the trip back was fantastic. Somehow my inner speedometer has finally re-set itself to 55 mph. It was a whole lot less stressful to be the slowest thing on the road--you don't have to participate in nearly as much of the frenetic highway driving that way!

And I've posted a larger album of photographs from the oil museums and other sites here.

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